Project Brief 
Create a poster alongside an animation using a quote from Jenny Holzer's Truisms, then upload the animation to Artvive. Once the video is uploaded, the app can scan the poster and the animation will appear. 
I chose to design a poster from the truism, "planning for the future is escapism." I created a space-like setting for the text to move with using gradients and texture. I associated this truism with space exploration and looking to the stars since I also see this as a method of escapism. 
My plan was to have the type move through the ovals as if they were portals. I also wanted the text to curve up and down as it moved, further creating the illusion that the text is moving through space. 
I was still deciding which truism I wanted to design during the first stage of drafting. Originally, I had included more space imagery, but it was too conceptually different from the amorphous shapes at the top of the composition. 
My second draft uses the truisms "fear is the greatest incapacitator." When I think of fear, I think of social anxiety. The repetition of eyes is meant to represent that. I ended up choosing my first draft to continue developing because the second draft was ambiguous. 
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